mon blog
news, recipes, tips, and stories about kombucha cultures, beer, and other beverages from our craft brewery

All about Negroamaro
So hopefully by now you understand a little bit more about Monte Stella, and one of our two debut styles, Vermentino. We love Vermentino for it’s light-bodied, citrusy, crispiness, however we knew we needed a bright, fruity and acidic counterpart to the Verm to kick start the Monte Stella line....

All about Vermentino
Monte Stella Sparkling Non-alcoholic is Team Monceau’s latest experiment in expanding the options for a health-conscious drop. We wanted to see what we could do with wine grapes that didn’t end up like your standard de-alcoholised wine. We found the de-alcoholised wines tasted very artificial and, of course, this totally...

Why we love Fuji Apples
Fuji Apple Pét Nat Kombucha marked the inception of Monceau and, with it, the beginning of team Monceau’s quest into the unknown world of fermentation. This blog is dedicated to the pretty pink spheres that were our inspiration for our Pét Nat Kombucha. Why Fuji Apples? Well, when it comes...

Say ‘hello’ to Monte Stella; our new hybrid ferment!
Team Monceau figured we’d finish 2021 off with a bang by introducing our newest experiment in the non-alc drink sphere. Monte Stella is here and she is our newest sparkling non-alcoholic love. If you know Monceau, you know that we love to push the envelope for what people can expect...

Is non-alcoholic beer good for you?
Beer belly. We all know about it: some of us embrace it, some of us do everything we can to get rid of it; including quitting drinking beer. Now that non-alcoholic beers are popping up left, right, and centre, the question on everybody’s lips seems to be: “is non-alcoholic beer...

History of the Pilsner
About 5 years ago, if anyone had uttered the words “non-alcoholic” and “beer” in the same sentence, they would have gotten some very strange (and potentially angry) looks. But look where we are now! You’re reading a blog post all about it! You might be sober, thinking about becoming sober,...

Can you drink kombucha while pregnant?
Pregnant women are always looking for a tasty non-alcoholic alternative to drink and kombucha seems to be a strong alternative to the cheeky glass (or three) of red enjoyed every night. However, many people often wonder whether kombucha is safe to drink whilst pregnant or not. There’s no one correct...

How do we make our blood orange kombucha?

Why is kombucha fermented twice?
Let’s talk double fermentation, shall we? We’ll be the first to admit, the whole process of fermentation—and frankly perhaps even the word itself—is not so pretty. However, there is so much to love about all things fermented. We’re here to try kickstart the passion we feel for fermentation in everyone...